Every organization has certain methods of operation that are designed to allow the firm to efficiently achieve its objectives. Many organizations are structured to operate informally, and have few enough personnel that a written document of policies and procedures is felt to be unnecessary.
The management of our firm believes that our clients can be best served if we set out in writing our philosophy of doing business, our company policies which will mirror our philosophy, and the procedures to be used in carrying out those policies.
Because of these reasons, and because we know that our employees and associates will need guidelines and direction, we have prepared this document, our Policies and Procedures Manual for your reference.
This manual is not a contract, express or implied, guaranteeing employment for any specific duration. Although we hope that your employment relationship with us will be long-term, either you or the company may terminate this relationship at any time, for any reason, with cause, due notice, and the payment of monies owed.
While we have attempted to provide detailed guidelines in this manual, there will be times when matters must be determined by management decision, guided by the philosophies of fairness, integrity and good communication.
This is a living document, and we will add to it and change it when appropriate. We hope that you will become well acquainted with it, and refer to it often. If you feel we may have overlooked something that should be included, please make that omission known.
McCraw Real Estate, Inc.
Edition February 200.q