Section Two
a) All showings of occupied properties are to be in according with MLS Rules.
b) If you arrive at a home and your buyer does not to want inspect the interior, it is common courtesy to go to the door and inform the owner, in person or in a note, that the prospect has chosen not to inspect the home.
c) So that the owner is aware of your identity, enter your information on the sign in sheet or leave your business card at every showing. We recommend that you put the date and time on the sign in sheet or business card.
d) It is always in your best interest to be courteous to all property owners. Do not make any remarks or give opinions about price, conditions or the listing agent. Extend all the courtesies you would hope your owners would receive from your associates.
e) You may show another Firm’s Listed property unless there is a signed purchase agreement accepted by both owners and buyers. If there is an existing Contract, you may still show the property with the permission of the listing agent. In the event that the seller requests back up offers, property may be shown with notification of the listing agent or listing Broker.
a) All showings of listings within the MLS should be arranged in accordance with MLS instructions.
b) It is in your best interest to be courteous to the owners of all properties. You should not make any remarks or give opinions about price, conditions, company or listing agent. Extend all courtesies you would hope your listing would receive from the MLS associates.
c) You may show an MLS property unless there is a signed purchase agreement accepted by both owners and buyers. If there is an existing contract you may still show the property with permission of the listing agent or listing Broker.
a) A buyer who currently has a property listed with the Company will be the listing agent’s prospect until their property is sold and closed or the listing expires.
b) Ad calls and sign calls for a particular agent are to be directed to said agent.
c) In the event an agent on floor needs to answer questions for another agent who is not readily available (the caller specifically asks for unavailable agent) the floor aqent will provide the service as a courtesy to the fellow agent. (May I help you in his or her behalf?)
a) You will want to arrange for a fellow associate to take care of your business when you are unavailable. All arrangements between agents as to the handling of buyers, seller and the resulting commission division, will be in writing prior to the consummation of the transaction.
The details of that written arrangement are entirely between you and the appointed sales associate. A copy of your arrangement will be given to your Broker. If no arrangements are made the Company policy will be
- Agent B shows homes for Agent A and the client buys a home, Agent A will share 10% of commission with Agent B.
- If Agent B lists a home for Agent A, Agent B will receive 10% of listing commission
- It is important to cover for your associates in order to Keep the client at McCraw Real Estate. Agents are much more willing to help out in a professional manner if they are being compensated for their time.
- The Brokers will cover your closings and offer presentations on listings.
b) When floor agent or open house agent has initial contact with new prospect, agent is to inquire if “you are currently working with anyone with our firm?” If prospect is an active prospect or seller of another McCraw Real Estate agent, our agent is to act appropriately and contact other agent.
a) Cooperation is a win-win situation for the sellers, buyers and the McCraw Real Estate Sales Associate. Therefore, the following are recommended guidelines for handling situations for McCraw Real Estate open houses with prospects entering and viewing the open house.
1. Any McCraw Real Estate Sales Associate may show your open house to a prospect without an appointment, accompanying the prospect through the home. If a sale results from the showing to that prospect, the full sales commission goes to that showing Sales Associate.
2. If a McCraw Real Estate Sales Associate contacts the prospect in advance of the open house and notifies the open house Sales Associate that prospect (by name) will be coming to the open house, unaccompanied by the McCraw Real Estate Sales Associate that Sales Associate shall receive 100% of the sales commission, in the event a purchase agreement is written by the referring Sales Associate which is accepted by the seller.
3. If in the event a McCraw Real Estate Sales Associate has been working with a prospect and has shown the prospect homes, developed rapport, encouraged the prospect to allow the Sales Associate to arrange for the prospect to be shown homes of any interest, and prospect still enters a McCraw Real Estate open house of another McCraw Real Estate Sales Associate, without previous notification, the McCraw Real Estate Sales Associate who had been working with the prospect will receive 100% of the sales commission. The purchase agreement and follow up must be accomplished by the McCraw Real Estate Sales Associate who had been working with the prospect. In the interest of professional courtesy, the open house Sales Associate will contact the other McCraw Real Estate Sales Associate and report that prospect did come through the open house, was interested in it and that the Sales Associate should follow up with the prospect.